Tuesday, January 11, 2011



My name is the Swirler. But, you can call me Love. No, that is not my real name, of course, but a girl can't put all her business out in the streets, you know? I am an African-American woman in her early 20's. I have been lucky enough to land a corporate gig that takes me to faraway locales (sometimes). I realized early on that black women were often considered exotic, mysterious, sensual, and overall wonderful creatures around the world. These are my tales of swirling around the world.


  1. I have been lucky enough to land a corporate gig that takes me to faraway locales (sometimes).

    Lucky lucky girl.

  2. Welcome to the mix! The post about Angelo already had me in stitches. Definitely work that job and use it to get out there--good luck!

  3. @BlackGirl

    Thanks for the comments. Angelo is a great person. He was the perfect introduction to Italy.
